Bad Habits That Affect Your Dental Health

Your mouth has many primary functions, such as eating, drinking, and speaking. However, many people take this for granted and do things that can negatively affect their oral health. Bad habits unconsciously happen because it becomes a habit performed over a long period. It’s vital to visit a Calgary dentist if you are experiencing one of the following habits that could negatively affect your dental health, such as:

  • Nail-Biting: People who experience a lot of stress and anxiety can bite their nails unconsciously. Nail-biting is a common habit found in children and young adults.
  • Bruxism: This habit typically occurs in children and adults, who unconsciously grind or clench their teeth during the day or at night. Over time, it can lead to more serious complications like a tooth fracture, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ Syndrome), and other muscle problems.
  • Biting Ice Cubes: People who crave things with no nutritional value could suffer from an eating disorder called ‘Pica.’ Eating disorders can stem from other underlying psychological disorders. However, people who chew and eat ice may do it simply for their enjoyment and habit.
  • Binge-Eating: Eating is an essential part of your daily routine, as it provides nutrients to the body. However, overeating can lead to serious illnesses like obesity. Binge-eating disorder creates a high risk for oral health issues, due to bad eating habits. For example, snacking too much can lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease.
  • Using Your Mouth As A Tool: People used their teeth in the early ages of human civilization because they lacked resources. However, in today’s age, people use their teeth as a tool purely because of fun or want to show off. People use their mouth as a tool by biting through packing tape instead of using scissors.

What are the side effects of using your teeth as a tool?

When you are using your teeth as a tool, you will most likely face dental problems immediately. However, sometimes it can arise later on. Dental problems might range from moderate to severe. For example:

  • Worn out enamel
  • Fractured tooth
  • Injury to the jaw 
  • Chipped or broken tooth

How to stop bad habits that contribute to dental health decline

Most people don’t realize they have bad dental habits that can negatively affect their teeth and gums. Often, these habits are a way to relieve the stress and anxiety that they may be feeling. However, the consequences of these bad habits can drastically affect and change the quality of your teeth and gums. In most instances, people who try to do such harsh things to their teeth are most likely young adults who don’t know that it could greatly affect them as they age. No matter what age you are, it is best to avoid these kinds of habits. If you have a hard time stopping said habits, visit a Calgary dentist to find a solution.

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