What Are The 4 Myths About Oral Cancer?

Your dentist in Airdrie will examine you for oral cancer screening to check for any precancerous or cancerous diseases. Oral cancer screening aims to detect the disease early when there is a better possibility of curing it. One of the most misunderstood types of cancer is oral cancer. Patients frequently believe that they are protected from developing mouth cancer if they don’t use tobacco products. You might be shocked to learn that this illness affects various people. It’s essential to comprehend the illness to distinguish fact from fiction.

Myth 1: I shouldn’t be concerned since it doesn’t hurt.

Most individuals who discover white spots in their mouths will not develop oral cancer. However, it is still advisable to get them examined. Leukoplakia, or white spots in the mouth, is one of the most typical signs of oral cancer. A precancerous lesion called leukoplakia raises the possibility of getting mouth cancer in the future.

Myth #2: I don’t smoke or use tobacco, so I can’t get oral cancer.

More than half of my patients have never smoked. Oral cancer can strike anyone with a mouth, just as lung cancer can strike anyone with lungs. And while smoking raises your risk of developing oral cancer, it’s not the only factor that could contribute to this disease. The prevalence of mouth cancer among women who have never smoked appears to have two peaks, as many medical professionals who treat oral cancer have begun to notice.

Myth #3: I’m too young to get oral cancer.

It’s uncommon to observe oral cancer in a person under the age of 40 because cancer tends to manifest itself in older individuals. It’s not likely, though. That is why it’s crucial to have anything strange examined, even if you believe you are too young to have cancer. Even medical professionals occasionally doubt the possibility of cancer in someone in their 20s or 30s. Antibiotics are continuously being used to treat the issue.

Myth #4: Since my mouth cancer has disappeared, I no longer need to worry.

Your risk of acquiring second oral cancer increases immediately after you’ve had one. Because of this, it’s essential to be vigilant even after healing. Unless you observe precancerous changes, that usually only amounts to a checkup once every six months.

  • Minor cuts and scrapes in the mouth typically go away within a few weeks, but if one doesn’t, have it examined.
  • A hump or lump, particularly if it’s becoming bigger
  • Especially if it bleeds when you touch it, a red or white patch
  • Gum cancer can occasionally be the cause of loose teeth.
  • Speaking, eating, or chewing may ache if a tumour grows large enough, and you may not be able to move your tongue well enough to chew or swallow.
  • Unexpected weight loss is frequently brought on by difficulties swallowing and chewing.

The most crucial thing to watch for are changes over time, such as a white spot turning red, a small spot expanding, a spot bleeding when it hadn’t before, or a lump or bump growing painful after never having done so. These are the items you should look into. To know more about oral cancer, call London Square Dental at 403-291-4945 to book an appointment.

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