What Is The Best Way To Floss Your Teeth?

An essential dental hygiene habit is flossing. It removes food that has become caught between your teeth and cleans your mouth, reducing the number of bacteria and plaque there. Plaque is a sticky coating that forms on teeth and causes gum disease and cavities. While most individuals brush their teeth daily, not everyone flosses as frequently as they do. Of course, simply flossing is insufficient. Correct flossing is crucial. Your teeth and gums may become possibly be harmed by improper flossing. So, if you’re unclear on how to properly clean in between your teeth, here is a step-by-step tutorial.

These are the step-by-step instructions to floss your teeth properly:

  1. Cut a piece of dental floss that is 18 to 24 inches long. Wind the majority of the floss around both of your middle fingers to hold the floss properly. Just 1 to 2 inches of floss should be saved for your teeth.
  2. Next, use your thumbs and index fingers to hold the floss taut.
  3. In between two teeth, place the dental floss. Gently move the floss up and down, rubbing it on each tooth’s surface on both sides. Keep the floss from touching your gums. Your gums may be scratched or bruised by this.
  4. Make a C-shaped bend in the floss at the tooth’s base as it approaches your gums. By doing this, the floss can reach the area between your gum and teeth.
  5. As you travel from tooth to tooth, repeat the procedure. Use a new, clean section of floss for every tooth.

How should I floss properly when wearing braces?

It might be challenging and time-consuming to floss when wearing braces. Take 10 to 15 minutes to floss your teeth if you use normal floss. Use waxed floss for this technique, as it is less prone to tear and get caught in your braces.

  1. Waxed dental floss should be broken off at about 18 to 24 inches.
  2. Stand in front of a mirror to ensure that the floss is going in the right place.
  3. Starting between your teeth and the main wire, thread the floss through. To move the floss around easier, wrap the loose ends around your index fingers.
  4. As gently as possible, press the floss between the two teeth. After that, run the floss up and down the sides of each tooth.
  5. Make an upside-down U with the floss when cleaning the top teeth. Go along the side of one tooth until you reach the gumline. The other tooth should then be flossed from side to side.
  6. From behind the wire, gently pry the floss out and delicately unthread it. Don’t force the floss out of your teeth since you can knock a wire loose.
  7. Continue using this method on the next two teeth until you have flossed between all of your teeth.

When should you floss?

Having good dental health also includes knowing when to floss. For some people, brushing their teeth and flossing are part of their daily practice. However, it is typically advised to floss before brushing your teeth. While brushing eliminates these items from your mouth, flossing aids in lifting and releasing food and plaque that has become caught between your teeth. Food and plaque are left in your mouth until your next brushing if you brush first and floss later.
To learn more about the best way to floss your teeth visit your Calgary dentist at London Square Dental. Call us at 403-291-4945 to book an appointment.

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