What You Need To Know About Oral Cancer

When you go to your dentist in Calgary, you should get a check-up and cleaning to ensure you don’t suffer from common to severe dental issues, like cavities or gum diseases. Oral cancer, or mouth cancer, is a disease that can quickly develop if left untreated. About 1 in 60 men and 1 in 140 women develop oral cancer within their lifetime. That’s less than 2% for men and less than 1% for women. Although it’s a rare form of cancer, you should watch out for specific causes and symptoms to avoid this disease.

What Causes Oral Cancer?

Poor dental hygiene – The chances of developing oral cancer is higher when you aren’t consistently practicing good oral hygiene to prevent oral diseases. Visit your Calgary dentist for your health and safety, so our staff at London Square Dental can put preventative measures in place.
Vices – If you’re someone who drinks alcohol or smokes tobacco, the chances of you obtaining oral cancer are higher. Some ingredients found in tobacco are carcinogenic, which means there’s an increased risk of developing cancer of any form.
Unsafe sex – Oral cancer may also develop when performing oral sex with your partner. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which transmits during oral sexual activities, can also become oral cancer.
Sun exposure – Every day, we go out for different purposes, like going to school or work and doing errands. However, it’s essential to be cautious of our sun exposure and limit it as much as possible. Although basking in the sun may feel great, doing it for long periods is not only bad for your mouth, but the rest of your skin as well.

What Are The Symptoms of Oral Cancer?

It can be easy to confuse an uncomplicated mouth ulcer with oral cancer. That’s why visiting your Calgary dentist is vital to protecting your dental and overall well-being. To check and assess yourself, here are some of the signs that it might be oral cancer and not an ulcer:

Lumps in your mouth area that are unusual and does not heal
A loose tooth or a socket after an extraction
Unexplained numbness in the lip or tongue
White or red patches on the surface of your tongue

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